An Introduction
Mrigashira — the 5th lunar mansion, in the Orion constellation. Its Sanskrit etymology derivation is mrga (deer) & śira (head). The symbolism of it is hence, ‘The Head of a Deer or Antelope’. Its other symbolism is ‘Bow’, and one part of this Nakshatra is in the earthy sign Taurus (Pada I & II – one foot is grounded), and the other part is in the airy sign Gemini (Pada III & IV – the other foot is uplifted in the air). It also points to the themes of this Nakshatra which is sacrificing another for chasing/seeking one thing, which is really an ‘illusion’ and ‘distraction’ and then regretting about losing the real one to focus on the illusion. The people ruled by this Nakshatra also face misunderstanding. In Sanatan dharma, this energy is conveyed through stories like ‘Ram chasing the (illusory) Golden Deer for Sita’s seeking’, and in other cultures, many carvings/articles have been found that showed this energy in different forms. Mrigashira people also over-intellectualize any topic rather than understanding it deeply.
01. Mrigashira Rising and Profession
If Mrigashira is in the Lagna, the following will be the effects:
Pada I – The native is in Humanities/Arts or entertainment-related jobs or works focusing on fast-paced and direction-altering sports like racing or football or some chasing games, or that native can be in the work of imitation like ‘sculpting’ or ‘acting’ where the work is not real but seems like the real one (just as illusion). The native can either be in that kind of work, or they can be in strategy-making, planning, and executing it in the real world. Any positive influence of Mars/Moon on it will make one good in the former tasks. Saturn’s impact on the later tasks will be beneficial and any positive influence of ‘Venus’ on the ascendant will also be proved as benign but it will cause an initial struggle.
Pada II – Similar to the Pada I, they can be in those professions, but a different field also opens for them; that is related to logic, meaning mathematics, the technical science engineering fields. They can also be in the work of social ‘service’ related to health, public & politics. Mercury & Saturn must be strong for service.
Note: For Pada I / II, i.e. Taurus rising whenever the key planets meaning Mars, Moon and Venus are afflicted in the natal chart or are posited in the dusthana houses, the native may go towards terrorism.
Pada III – The natives of Mrigashira Pada III rising are ‘skilled’ in the fine artistic works of hands and expressions. Mostly, they are in the business of producing and publishing. They’re writers skilled in planning precise plot twists with intellectual prowess. These people are also into presenting television shows and films as they’re social and like to entertain the public with their skills. Sports, politics and social strategy works are also quite relevant. The stronger Mercury and Venus in the chart, the better it is.
Pada IV – These natives are more into the exploration of earth and space, hence a traveller or astronomer or astronaut, thus in the subjects of mathematics and physics. They may also be into architecture planning and designing, and philosophical seeking into their works are also found. Hence, if they’re spiritual, that’s not surprising. Other than these, politics, writing / publishing, media and entertainment are highly prominent in their works. If in the horoscope, Mars is powerful, the native will be in the work of ‘travelling’ & ‘architecture’, and if Mercury then in the ‘intellectual and publishing work’, and if both, then the native will be an ‘astronaut’ or will do ‘scientific inventions’. The more aligned the native is with the above guide, the higher the probability of success for the circumstances will come to the native to move in the direction, and if a natal chart holds strong directional strength / digbala, the native will surely follow his will, but if Mrigashira is afflicted, the native will fail.
02. The Predictive Techniques of Mrigashira
I. If the key planets of a chart are in the Mrigashira Nakshatra native will face issues with his or her children / will not have a good relationship with them, or will stay far from each other. The native and his / her children will have a late fortune in life.
II. Whenever the Mrigashira Nakshatra is one of the key lunar mansions of a native’s chart, and it gets afflicted somehow, the North-East direction of the native’s house will be damaged and that will cause the native to not get the blessings of the god in one or multiple areas of life. If the NE wall of the home doesn’t have any window and is painted red, it affects the native poorly.
III. Prominent Mrigashira natives are always related to driving, and they use maps often while driving in unknown places, but once the place gets familiar, the native can remember it clearly.
IV. The native has a habit of shopping only from a particular shop or brand because that’s what gives him the most comfort. The native is fond of using a specific, branded perfume always.
V. The native has an addiction to a branded drink alcohol, or smoke, or any kind of substance addiction that may be liquid.
VI. Either the native is an elite athlete or plays excellent sports, especially related to football, racing or running & table tennis.
03. The Predictions of Mrigashira Padas
Planetary positions in the Mrigashira Nakshatra Padas are given below along with all the specific predictions and health diseases (results may change for many other planetary influences there).
Graha | Sun |
Pada I | The native is fond of flowers, fortunate, intelligent, and has an attractive personality. He has a few children and suffers from throat, face / eye diseases. |
Pada II | The native is dressed neatly, has a shining face, and an attractive personality. He is fond of music and has a fear of water. He gets married in the 26th year. |
Pada III | The native deals in finance and attains a fairly high position in his field because of his intelligence. His son attains name and fame in research in science. The native suffers from nasal or teeth problems from time to time. |
Pada IV | The native works for the benefit of the public. If Mercury and Moon are also in the same Nakshatra, the native is extremely intelligent, good in rhetoric, and an expert astrologer. The native suffers from problems in the throat. |
Graha | Moon |
Pada I | The native becomes famous as a scholar, has more daughters, and has a beautiful, good-character wife engaged in political or social work. She assists in money matters. Eye disease and joint pain. |
Pada II | If Moon and Lagna are in the same Nakshatra, the native is born into an affluent and royal family and has an early and happy marriage. The native may face bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, other lung-related problems, and heart diseases in the latter half of life. |
Pada III | Gains name and fame with satisfactory income. Suffers in childhood and lacks maternal love and affection. Indulges in tobacco chewing. The natives will have diseases because of tobacco; which has a mark on the back. |
Pada IV | Engaged in medicine, chemistry, or cosmetics, earning more as a doctor (vaidya). Males suffer from lung diseases, and females from menstrual problems. |
Graha | Jupiter |
Pada I | The native has a fluctuating mind, a strong muscular body, wealth, name, and fame, but is often unsatisfied. If the Lagna is also in the first pada, the native has fair skin and beautiful eyes. Suffers from knots in the nerves in hands and feet, a hunchback, or may suddenly become physically disabled. |
Pada II | The native has close links with rulers or politicians. If the ascendant is also in the same Nakshatra pada, and Jupiter has relations with Lagna, the native will be highly educated, intelligent, and attractive. |
Pada III | The native has less happiness from children and spouse. The native is a miser, suspicious of family members. The native suffers from blood diseases or heart trouble. |
Pada IV | The native is wealthy, receives posts and honors from rulers, understands the psychology of others as a physician, and is very intelligent. The native suffers from eye diseases or bowel disorders. |
Graha | Mercury |
Pada I | The native has a pious character, is intelligent, and wealthy. The native suffers from a lack of memory in old age because of mental imbalance. |
Pada II | The native earns through menial jobs, is jealous of others’ wealth, and has many male children with only one daughter. The native suffers from throat diseases, teeth issues, smallpox, and bronchitis. |
Pada III | The native is intelligent, patient and always hopeful. Loves women and marries more than once. The native has a defect in speech and may suffer from tuberculosis. |
Pada IV | The native is fortunate, religious, receives a medium education, and is famous because of hard labour, holding a high post with many servants. Suffers from mental imbalance, speech defects, and other bodily diseases. |
Graha | Mars |
Pada I | The native has harsh speech, is always short of money, and has the responsibility of a large family. He may lose his wife early and have a short lifespan. The native suffers from high fever, discharges, and inflammation of glands. |
Pada II | The native brings bad luck and a bad name to his family through his misdeeds. Suffers from chronic diseases such as backache, spine pain, and other rheumatic problems. |
Pada III | If Mars and Lagna are both in Mrigashira, the native is born into a poor family, is clever in business, but repeatedly suffers from diseases. Suffers from boils on the face. |
Pada IV | The native suffers from hereditary problems and has no happiness in marital life as his wife remains frequently sick. The native suffers from throat diseases and other ailments. |
Graha | Venus |
Pada I | The native is an expert in music, dance, drama, and fine arts. He earns through these talents and indulges in sensual pleasures. He may receive awards for his artistic skills. The native is healthy in general, but indulgence in sensual activities might affect well-being as time passes. |
Pada II | The native has more associations with women and helps the needy with whatever he has. He is healthy over-all but may suffer from kidney issues, swelling, tuberculosis, and rheumatism. Vulnerable to kidney issues, swelling, tuberculosis/rheumatism. |
Pada III | The native is an expert in shastras, music, dance, and drama, earning through these arts. If Venus is aspected by a malefic planet, he will have two marriages. He starts his earnings at 13 and has mixed results in life. May have headaches and liver problems. |
Pada IV | The native has a noble character, short to moderate height, and a muscular body. He is a poet or writer and may have a mole on his face. If Lagna is in Pushya Nakshatra, he has two marriages or extra-marital relations. Prone to venereal diseases or glandular issues. |
Graha | Saturn |
Pada I | The native is tall, has a narrow chest, a blackish complexion, curly hair, and is weak monetarily. The wife of the native may be unchaste if this Saturn is aspected by Venus or Jupiter. Suffers from diseases of the teeth and hair. Teeth issues may include severe decay, root canal treatments, and hair greying from a young age. |
Pada II | The native befriends people of evil character, is extravagant, and engages in business without significant gains. His rise and fall in life happen rapidly, and he may become bankrupt by spending money on enjoyment with females and other pleasures. His health might be affected by a lifestyle of indulgence. |
Pada III | If the Lagna is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra and the chart belongs to a female, she may conceive before marriage. Male natives may be employed in security jobs. The native may commonly maintain average health unless other factors of the chart show otherwise. |
Pada IV | The native may have a limb defect from birth or become handicapped later in life. He re-locates from his birthplace and engages in secretive evil deeds. The native is prone to asthma or lung diseases. |
Graha | Rahu |
Pada I | The native is financially affluent and earns an excellent reputation through their deeds. The native has epilepsy, white leprosy, or intestinal/stomach diseases. |
Pada II | The native is foolish and short-tempered but gains sudden wealth. Involvement in sports, competition, or transformation of properties leading to significant financial success. |
Pada III | The native is greedy, engages in lowly deeds, causes trouble to others, and is jealous of others’ prosperity. The native is constantly apprehensive of enemies and suffers from the consequences of their actions. |
Pada IV | Engages in research work, commands respect and obedience from children, and maintains a questionable character. The native has a doubtful character, yet has respect and love for their spouse. |
Graha | Ketu |
Pada I | The native faces a lot of volatility in life, has many children, and earns little by his own efforts. Suffers from eye diseases. Spends a peaceful old age because of good children. |
Pada II | Has a defect in a limb but becomes a great scholar and helps uplift mobility impaired people. The native suffers from throat or tongue defects. |
Pada III | Spends time speaking ill of others, jealous, and suffers from rheumatism, gout, and skin diseases. |
Pada IV | The native engages in sinful deeds, has an evil character, and suffers from various diseases. Ends up bringing bankruptcy because of own deeds. |
04. The Activation Ages of Mrigashira
The activation ages of Mrigashira Nakshatra are 4th, 8th, 17th, 25th, 34th, 38th – 39th, 46th, 50th, 65th, 73rd and 79th year of age. In the life cycle of a person, Mrigashira heads the 6th to the 13th year of age for a child is then curious, yet little enough to follow others without judging if that is ‘right or wrong’. So, sins occur.
Whenever this Nakshatra activates, the native becomes clueless if he or she needs to do a particular thing or not. This is because the native has lost his ability of decision-making, thus, depends upon others and follows them blindly, after a relentless seeking. When any planet is placed in any Pada of this Nakshatra, it will cause the native to be clueless about that planet’s signification.
05. The Issues and Remedies of Mrigashira
I. Remedy for marital life problems — Treat your spouse as a friend.
II. Worship Maa Annapurna with mantra, the temple in Varanasi.
III. Repetition of the root Mantra of this Nakshatra – “Om Em” 108 times when Chandra transits this Nakshatra, and in the lunar month of Mrigashira, it will surely reduce suffering, and bring enlightenment into a person’s life. It will provide mental peace.
IV. Meditate and if spiritual, get devoted to a Guru and be in the process of Kundalini awakening, which will be life-transforming.
V. Stay away from your home, or live on rent for familial benefit.
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